Category Archives: Mess

A package awaits…

I’ve just had a surprise package delivered here for my friend Vicky, I’m pretty sure it’s nail varnish, oh God how I want to open it!…

This is the same frustrating feeling I used to get when Avon orders were delivered to my house. It literally used to take all my will power to not open them and use them myself!

Spicy sweetcorn soup

I made spicy sweetcorn soup earlier, really tasty, although I think it would be even nicer with a swirl of natural yoghurt or creme fresh, and some coriander sprinkled on top. Anywho, here’s the recipe (ends up making about 3 bowlfulls of soup):


1 average leek
4 shallots
2 cloves garlic
half red chilli (seeds removed or left in depending on how hot you like it)
1 large potato
a small knob of fresh ginger
1 carrot
1 stick celery
a large amount of sweetcorn (I used frozen but any kind will have the same effect, it’s probably nicest fresh off the cob)
1 cube veg stock
salt & pepper
tsp veg oil
boiling water


  1. Heat the oil in a large pan, then fry all the vegetables, the chilli, garlic and ginger for around 5 minutes to soften them.
  2. Crumble in the veg stock cube and add enough boiling water from a kettle to cover all the veg in the pan.
  3. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Take off the heat and pulverize (I couldn’t think of a better word for this bit) using a hand blender.
  5. Reheat and add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Administer the soup into bowls (I managed to fill 3)
  7. Consume!

As I said above, I think it would be even nicer if it was even creamier, with some natural yoghurt or creme fresh, and a touch of coriander wouldn’t go amiss. But it’s a tasty soup all the same.

After much searching, I have found my camera – hoorah! Here is a picture of the fabled soup (there’s only 2 bowls because the third met its end in my belly…)

Spicy Sweetcorn Soup

Spicy Sweetcorn Soup

As you can see it’s a delightful sunshine yellow colour – great for slurping. Please feel free to share this recipe with friends, family, colleagues, even enemies, hell, it might even stop them from hating you!

Temporary assignments and other interviews

After a drought lasting several weeks, I suddenly seem to be inundated with calls about work, temping, permanent positions, etc etc. Good news people!

On Tuesday I was invited to attend an interview in London for a digital marketing role – all good stuff, except the interview only took about 10 minutes and I’d travelled all the way to London! I hope something comes of it, otherwise I will be ANGRY!!

Yesterday I received a call from a temp agency in Witham who asked me to attend an interview this morning – great! I got back from Witham at 10am today, I think this is a positive step people.

Then I checked my emails and I’ve been invited to an interview for a role of Marketing Officer at BVA in London! This will take place at 12:45pm on Tuesday 1st November – eep! Better brush up on the old interview skills and such…

So when I said inundated above there, I really did just mean 3 things… I really must stop exaggerating…


You know when you’ve been waiting for something and you don’t know what that thing is, but when it comes you realise and it makes a huge difference even though to someone else it’s totally insignificant? Well yesterday I had one of those things. I can’t really explain what it was, it was just really important and it signified a turning point in my life (wow this is getting deep)!

I suddenly felt like it was time I started doing something for myself. Like it was ok to start taking care of what I need for a change. I have to say, I’m a typical woman, I tend to care about other people over myself, sometimes to the detriment of myself, which is really bad because that never helps anyone. But yesterday I decided no more! So now I am on a mission to just have plain good old-fashioned fun for me and no one else! The only problem is I don’t have any money to have fun with. Rats.

Free fun

OK my mission over the next week, should I choose to accept it, is to research things that are fun and free or only require a very small cost.

Wish me luck!


This place is really messy – check it out:

Messy 1
Messy 2

Really Messy!

Man I hate cleaning and tidying up xx

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